ra·di·ant (rā′dē-ənt)

A human-first, systems-based approach
to transforming leaders, teams and organizational cultures from the inside out.

Radiant Change


+ practices

These principles and practices inform our work at every level—what we teach and train, how we coach our clients and how we operate in the world.

We Can Change. One of the greatest barriers to change is the belief that it can’t happen. But change is inevitable, and we can shape it. It all starts with our mindset: Is change happening to us or through us? With an understanding of the complex systems at play, we hone a purposeful vision for what’s possible.

We Are Human. Humans are wired to resist change. But we are also uniquely equipped to create it. We leverage resistance as data and conflict as a creative force. We focus on building toward our vision vs. fighting fires. And we foster momentum by engaging those most likely to bring others along.

We Must Play. A transformational leader’s job is to set a purposeful vision and to create the conditions for the team to achieve it. We co-create ideas with (not for) those closest to the change, and iterate on the best ideas using prototypes and feedback loops. We celebrate progress (not perfection), using multiple time horizons to let change do what it does best: compound.

Embrace Paradox. As we rewire our relationship to change, much of this work with feel counterintuitive, even contradictory. There is order in chaos. Less control, more power. Not knowing leads to insight. Embracing paradox with both/and thinking allows us to hold opposing views at the same time and to find more space and more truth between them.

Everything is Practice. Every challenge is a classroom. Every opponent is a teacher. Every obstacle is a path. Each moment holds an opportunity for us to practice these principles, and we leverage mindfulness as our transformational technology to allow us to engage fully in the moments that matter most.

Acknowledgement +


My work is informed and inspired by:

  • adrienne maree brown - Emergent Strategy

  • Carol Dweck - Growth Mindset

  • Diana Winston - Mindfulness Practice + Teaching

  • Daniel Siegel - Interpersonal Neurobiology

  • David Rock - NeuroLeadership

  • Donella Meadows + Margaret Wheatley - Systems Thinking in Leadership + Organizations

  • Edward Deci + Richard Ryan - Self-Determination Theory

  • Fred “Mr.” Rogers - Teaching Kindness

  • IDEO + other practitioners - Design Thinking

  • John Wooden - Leadership + Team Performance

  • Lao Tzu - Tao Te Ching

  • Lisa Lahey and Robert Kegan - Developmental Psychology

  • Octavia Butler - Earthseed

  • Ranier Maria Rilke - The Beauty in Life + Work

  • Thich Nhat Hanh - Engaged Buddhism + Mindfulness