Coaching, Training and Community

for Transformational Leaders

Lead culture change with clarity, ease and joy

It’s never been harder to be a leader.

Today’s executives are…

Charged with multiple mandates for change but meeting resistance on all sides

Facing impossible choices between people and profit, work and life

Feeling pressure to deliver results and take care of your team

Constantly firefighting with little time to think strategically

Losing motivation and drowning in self-doubt

I can help you lead powerfully with a purposeful vision and nurture a healthy, high-performing culture.

It’s time to love the way you lead.


Lead effectively, even amid
complexity and uncertainty

Wake with a sense of purpose
and make progress every day


Feel inspired and inspire others to
follow your lead

Be the go-to leader every company needs and everybody wants to work for


Address your business’s most complex problems with sustainable solutions

Achieve results that exceed
expectations—including your own

You can do this. I can help.

After more than 20 years leading transformational change at scale in organizations and communities, I now equip leaders like you to do the same. Here’s what my clients say about our work together:

“Kristen has a fresh, modern coaching approach. Working with her shifted me personally and professionally. A lightbulb went off and I felt like I was operating at a different level.”

—Chief People Officer

“I never anticipated that coaching would have such a profound impact on my life. There's no aspect of my life that I feel like it hasn't affected—it’s evolved the way that I show up on a daily basis.”


“That was exhilarating this morning. Thanks for putting me on the spot for my own good.”


“We used to face off against one another, competing more than collaborating. But since we’ve started this work, we’ve stopped pointing fingers and started solving problems together. We’re finally acting like a true team, and I know my teammates have my back. Everything is easier.”

—C-Suite member

“Kristen is skilled at establishing trust and bringing people with distinct points of view together in such a way that everybody feels heard. She can get these disparate groups aligned against a common vision and then drive that agenda forward to get to a conclusion. Her approach is very grounded in business, but is equally grounded in people, which is a very rare skill set.”


“Our group chat is still blowing up with energy from yesterday.”

—Chief Human Resources Officer

“Kristen’s voice is so important. She brings powerful and action-oriented optimism to her work.”

—Chief People Officer

“Kristen is a master at weaving modern leadership wisdom with deep human insight. She’s a true partner with a focus on impact.”

—Vice President

“Kristen’s talk was my favorite part of our company off-site. She was excellent, and I really enjoyed her perspective on what culture is vs. isn't. Clearly our leaders are committed to a positive culture.”

—Anonymous via company survey

“In the span of an hour, you completely changed how I think about change.”

—Team Leader, ARC Course

“Momentum empowered me to give myself the space to breathe, to more objectively think about a challenge (or opportunity), to be curious and ultimately to transform the ways we work.”

—Team Leader, Momentum Course

“I've been so wise these past few weeks, sharing everything I'm learning. I even made a structural shift to get my team working differently! It's hugely practical and making a difference every day.”

—Market Leader, ARC Course

“Before Momentum, I was experiencing significant work and team fatigue. Pairing the meditation with fresh perspectives on how I work and how my teams think has shifted my mindset and also given me a new lease on work.”

—Team Leader, Momentum Course

Weekly provocations and practices for transformational leaders. (That's you.)

    This is our path.

    Whether working with individual executives, entire leadership teams or the Radiant Leader community, we take this simple path to sustainable change.


    Our work begins with crafting a purposeful vision to guide you, ground you and galvanize others to join you.


    With precision and care, we will unearth and release old habits and stories that have been holding you and your team back.


    With new awareness of yourself and others, you will be free to move forward as the powerful leader you are.

    Aren't you ready to break out of survival mode?


    How to spot them...

    Why to avoid them...

    And how to get yourself free.

      We respect your privacy. Unsubscribe at any time.

      I know you want to do big things and have real impact.

      To be a truly transformational leader. The problem is, you face resistance, complexity and uncertainty at every turn, which makes you wonder: “Can I even do this?” “Do I have what it takes?” And increasingly: “Is it worth it?”

      I understand the challenges of changing a culture. I’ve done it many times. And I know you can do it. In fact, you’re the only one who can—because it starts within you.

      I believe that transformational leadership is an inside game. And I know from experience with hundreds of leaders like you that micro-shifts in your inner narrative will change your organization, your leadership and your life.

      We start with your Vision: Where do you want to go? What will you build? Who will you be? Then comes Excavation: What’s holding you back from moving forward, individually and collectively as a team?

      It doesn’t take long to get to Transformation, where you’re not just doing things differently, you’re showing up differently. You’re leading more fully, more authentically as yourself. And everything around you starts to change for the better.

      Soon enough, you discover the secret: Transformational leadership is actually less work than its opposite, transactional leadership. And it delivers not only more impact, but more joy.

      Read on to see three options for moving forward. Which is the right speed for you?

      How will you move forward?




      Stay in touch with weekly leadership prompts, practices and program updates.